Tradeline Builders and Marine Ltd
Our Show-home has sold, but there will be a new coming in the future. In the meantime, it may be possible to pop down to see a house at construction stage being built in our yard.
See the durability of the product yourselves. Meet our friendly approachable team, discover a new way to build!
What choices can we make when building our new home?
Normally you will have a choice of:
Roof colours
Window frame colours
Exterior cladding
Interior and exterior colour
Kitchen plan, appliances and colour scheme
Floor covering colours
Carpet and vinyl types.
What are the choices in exterior cladding?
Homes can be finished with any type of cladding material conforming to the New Zealand Building Code.
For our transportable home range we prefer bevel-backed timber weatherboards, or "Palliside" low maintenance weather boards. www.palliside.co.nz
Contact Information
Office (09) 4595299
Aaron 021969114
Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri: 7-4.30pm
Sat: Mornings by appointment.
Sun: Closed.
289 Port Road