Tradeline Builders and Marine Ltd
The Frequently Asked Questions
Do TRADELINE build onsite?
Yes we do. However if possible we prefer to build ex yard. It is faster and cheaper for the client to do most of the work in our yard. However we are happy to build onsite if a housemover is unable to get to your piece of land or the plan just doesn't suit. Cost vary if you are building onsite, so feel free to discuss the options.
OK, so what is not included in the advertised floor metre rate?
When you choose your transportable floor plan, we can provide options for floor coverings, window treatments,
and transport costs from our yard to your site. House moving, site services and other onsite costs vary and this is
priced on an individual basis. Please see our specifications for more information.
Can I change the Specifications, and get credits for things I don't need?
Yes of course! You can upgrade any of the standard fittings.
Can I organise my own contractors?
Yes you can. However to keep the building site running in a timely manner, we will need to be sure they are competent, and reliable. Any delays from absent contractors can cause serious delays in completing your house. They must licensed, have a Health and Safety policy and Liability Insurance. We must be able to liaise with them, to keep the schedule rolling. You will need to make arrangements to keep their Licensed Building Practitioner memorandums for council and arrange direct payments to them.
Can I just build to lock up stage?
Certainly, let us know your plans and we will work with you.
What deposit if require for the transportable house and how are the payments structured?
Our standard terms of trade are 15% deposit upon signing our building contract. Progress payments are based on stages of work.
Our contract is available for viewing if required. We do not require this deposit until you are ready to build, because we can often start the sub-floor the next day.
Can you organise the building permits and house sitting?
Yes, we can organise site plans, council consent and all other permits required, and liaise with the housemover!
How long have you been building company been in business?
Tradeline has been building in Northland for over 25 years.